Saturday, February 2, 2019

XBOX ONE Kinect will fail like Wii motion controls (gogle plus reupload 2013)

Originally posted August 13th 2013.

The short, "full market adaptation of the kinect" will only bread shovelware and stupid tacked on kinect controls. The long, well read.

A message to all the Microsoft fan boys saying that Microsoft is moving in the wrong direction by not making the kinect required and developers will develop amazing titles and uses for it because of full market adaptation. All you need to do is look back 1 generation, and I'm not talking about Kinect 1.0, I'm talking about the Nintendo Wii.

Now all you Wii fans out there, I am NOT talking about the wii as a whole and am only talking about the motion controls. With that in mind, continue reading.

Let's look at the Wii. By design of the freaking controller, every consumer had 100% market adaptation of the motion controls. By your logic, every game would have either used the gamecube controllers or utilized the wiimote in a revolutionary, immersive way that completely revolutionized gaming. Unfortunately, that is far from the truth. I can count the number of worthwhile games that fully utalized the motion controls of the wiimote or just used gamecube controls. Now I am not, I repeat, NOT, talking about if a game was good or not, just if the motion controls of the wiimote were fully utilized or if they just said "screw the motion controls, let's use the gamecube controller." And if someone can produce a list of over 6 games that are actually worth while, not a collection of mini games, that fully utilize the motion controls or just say no, I highly doubt you can produce a list of games that is larger than 31, and with counting in binary, I can get up to 31 on one hand.

But back to the subject of motion controls, aside from maybe 4 games, every other game had tacked on motion controls because developers felt they needed to put some kind of motion controls into their games, and this includes good games like Mario Galaxy and DK Country Returns. That, or they did utilize the motion controls but were not worth while and only fun for 30 minutes, like wario ware.

Now here's now I see the kinect. First, most developers are probably going to go the rout of "screw that, let's use gamecube controllers." If developers do decide to include some kinect controls into their game, it will likely be the "whack-a-mole" like controls we found in so Wii games. Sure, they won't be literal "whack-a-mole" like controls like with wii games, at least I hope developers won't make you suddenly put down your controller and start flailing your arms mid-game, but they won't be super useful and wanted by gamers and they'll just wish that it wasn't there and now you're shovel ware. There might be a hand number of games that fully utilize the kinect and are worthwhile, but for most people, that doesn't warrant an extra $100 to be "included" with the console.

Originally posted August 16th 2013

I decided to torture/laugh today by looking at articles about the kinect no longer being required and I cringe laughing at people saying "but the kinect 2.0 is awesome. Sure the original kinect didn't go over well, and neither did wii motion controls, playstation 2 eyetoy, playstation 3 move, and the PS4 isn't including the eye because people don't want it, but we know that full market adaptation will encourage developers to utilize the kinect in a great way." OK, it's more the just the thing about full market adaptation and then the comments bring up the other failed attempts, but really, it won't go over well. I heard one developer say it's like trying to program for a mouse with no click button. I wish people would realize that it doesn't matter how good the screwdriver is, they're all equally useless when trying to drive a nail and you're better off just using a hammer. That's how I see home motion controls. Home gaming is trying to drive a nail. I don't care how good your motion tracking hardware is, all I foresee is shovelware and tacked on motion controls.

You can use the thing about screwdriver driving a nail, just give me credit. It's a great analogy.

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