Saturday, November 23, 2013

Happy Gamer, I don't like PC elitists and their arguments.

Fanboys suck, and most of the time, they're ridiculous arguments get refuted easily because of how bad they are. But PC elitist fanboys don't seem to get refuted so easily. Well, here's my rebuttal.

Greetings world. Like many of my ramblings, this started in google plus. This time, it was one of my friends making a comment about how I bash PC gaming mainly saying "I like console gaming, but at the moment, PC is just easier on the budget." Well, here's my rambling response. Enjoy the rant.

If done properly, that may be true. You're a computer guy though, so you know all the things that are required to make certain games run. My guess is you built your own computer from scratch, and if not initially, you did through a number of different upgrades that you essentially built your computer. Me, I just have my standard issue HP laptop and desktop tower. My brother played various different PC games on the desktop and they suffered super frame rate drop due to compatibility issues. I've tried playing some PC exclusives like Mighty Quest For Epic Loot and had loads of frame drops and overheating. Personally, I'll pay a little extra to make sure that there's no compatibility issues and the ability to proudly display my physical collection. Plus, though I haven't crunched the numbers, in the long run I'm pretty sure console gaming is cheaper if done right, and legally. Pirated games don't count as "cheaper," and I've heard people say "well PC games are so much cheaper because it's so much easier to pirate them." Doesn't count. Everything is "cheaper" when you steal it. Piracy is bad, don't do it.
My main beef with PC gaming is the PC elitist fanboys who are all "PC is the master race; my gaming machine makes the games for your gaming machine; the graphics, framerate, and mouse and keyboard controls are so much better; hail valve."
1. Mouse and keyboard being better than controller is just an opinion. Some games like Roller Coaster Tycoon, Sims City, Myst, and other point and clicks are better with mouse and keyboard, but platformers, my favorite genera, suck with mouse and keyboard and are better with controllers.
2. Graphics and framerate don't really matter so long as they aren't so bad that they impede gameplay. Framerate and graphics being so bad they impede gameplay has happened, but I've only ever really seen it happen on PC due to compatibility issues and rarely on consoles because every unit of that console is almost identical and the devs know that and work within the parameters of the hardware.
3. As for the "my machine makes the games for your machine," yeah and my professor taught your professor, but your professor doesn't have a hard to understand accent. I don't see how that's a reason to chose the accent over native English. To each his own, but when I get the chance to point out PC fanboy misinformation, I do.
Plus, if steam sales are what makes PC gaming cheap, I play the "used games" card, where the games  are equally discounted.
If you like to play on PC, I don't care. My issue is the PC elitists that ridicule anyone who plays on consoles. Fanboys suck. They make everyone else in the fandom look bad. Don't fanboy. Happy gamer signing off, and don't be a fanboy.