Sunday, February 3, 2019

Some mini-rants on xbox one (google plus reuploads)

Originally posted August 15th 2013

This one guy got angry at me when I compared the Wii motion controls to the kinect and said "history will repeat itself, all the kinect will bread is shovelware and tacked on motion controls." He was all "no the kinect has much better tracking and has voice recognition." I was ready to comment but someone beat me to it. Here's what I would have said if they didn't create a big conversation, "it doesn't matter how good the screw driver is, they're all kind of equally useless when trying to drive a nail." lol

Originally posted August 13th 2013

Now about kinect costing as much to manufacture as the xbox one, basically saying microsoft is selling the bundle at a loss, and then the countless millions of dollars spent in R&D. Then here's a kicker. I heard that kinect for PC costs $500 USD, so at that price, kinect for xbox would probably also cost $500, so you're buying a kinect and getting an xbox for free. eye roll
Now I really do feel kind of bad for them, wouldn't you after spending probably over a billion dollars on something people don't want, but then again, anyone could have told them the kinect wouldn't be well received. Microsoft do a little consumer research next time, and maybe see WHY people bought the Wii in droves, and notice that after 1 year, NO ONE was buying one for the motion controls. You would have also noticed that no one was buying the play station move. You could have been like both Sony and Nintendo and just let home motion controls die and then people wouldn't hate you to much, but no, let's shove motion controls down your throat because "that's what you want right?"

Originally posted August 8th 2013 with this article Every XBOX ONE includes a chat headset

Well what do you know, Microsoft decided that maybe we should screw the customer less than what they were doing. For those of you who don't know, microsoft was origionally not going to include a headset with the xbox one because "you could use the kinect because the kinect is such an amazing piece of technology and we don't see any reason why anyone would rather have private conversations with people instead of having everything come through the TV speakers." Everyday Microsoft changes their tune just a little bit. Next step, GET RID OF THE KINECT REQUIREMENT!!!! Honestly. I couldn't care less about specks, advanced technology, cloud gaming, and even being pro-indy. I don't need a headset because I don't talk to people anyways. But what is keeping me from buying your console is the requirement to use a stupid peripheral that I will never use, no good games will be made for it and utilize it, and will likely be unresponsive unless you're in this one sweet spot. I'll buy a wii before I buy an xbox one, cause at least with a wii I could play gamecube games, trauma center, and hulu plus without having to pay nintendo for the privilege of being able to access the app. And if you want to know why I hate the wii, just ask zeldamaster93. He knows all my arguments. And many of the arguments carry over to the kinect.

Originally uploaded August 3rd 2013, there was an article called "Microsoft to let game makers self publish on XBOX ONE," but the article is dead now.

So looks like microsoft changed their tune again, making it closer to the PS4. Every time I hear about that, I think about that dorkly picture where they talk about "giving gamers options." Every time I think about that, I think, "well if the option is a giant turd with some gold scraps in it or a block of silver just sitting there, well most everyone is going to chose the block of silver instead of digging through the turd to get some gold." Now all they need to do is get rid of the required kinect. Not only are you losing customers by requiring it, I will never buy an XBOX ONE so long as that stupid thing is required, but I've also heard that you lose money because the kinect 2.0 costs as much to make as an XBOX ONE, and I'm not talking R&D, that might be, but in raw parts.

Originally posted August 2nd 2013

Sorry if I'm repeating myself, but I find it funny when people compare the old xbox one to steam because of the DRM. If there are PC gamers out there, correct me if I'm wrong, but isn't the reason people do PC gaming because of the ability to have the most up to date hardware on the market, the ability to output the frame rate at insanely high numbers, like close to the refresh rate of the monitor or projector, the ability to mod your games, and lastly the steam summer sales, and with all those features, you put up with the DRM found in steam. Sure, the XBOX ONE had all the DRM, but they would surely lack every other feature PC gamers love. Update the hardware; the XBOX ONE doesn't even have a removable hard drive, so you wouldn't be able to upgrade the video cards, ram, hard drive, video out, etc. without modding the console and then getting banned from xbox live. Output at insanely high frame rates; max I heard was 60 fps from xbox one, and if this was the days of CRT TVs, that would be the refresh rate of the TV, but now we have TVs with 120, 240, even 600 frame refresh rate TVs, so sorry, lost out again on frame rate. MOD your games, you have just been banned from xbox live, you're screwed. Sales, ehhhh yeah right. Since I don't PC game, I'll need some fact checks on this one, but I'd imagine that most of the games in the sale are made by Valve and there aren't many 3rd party games. Microsoft, what do you have to bring to the table in the form of 1st party games? Halo, every kinect game ever made, I don't think that people are going to be biting at the bit to buy either of them sale or no sale. Sure, maybe halo, but everyone who will want to play it will likely have already bought it new for $60. I highly doubt EA or Activision would participate in a 75% off sale. Again, I might be wrong on the sales thing so don't take that as fact unless I get someone backing it up in the comments, but I highly doubt that the sales would happen on XBOX LIVE. And last time I checked, steam doesn't require you to have a web cam connected at all time.

And because I buy games to keep, I might have been able to over look the DRM a couple years down the line in case it isn't really all gloom and doom, but the kinect is a deal breaker, and always will be. I hate motion controls, I've done a rant on them. I see absolutely no use for it. Any feature is stupid and any kinect game is bad. But that's a different topic.

And though this has nothing to do with gaming, didn't want to lose this. Originally posted July 25th 2013

On a much brighter note, this actually happened. I'm watching Nicktoons Network, because I like cartoons, and they're doing this promo for Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles. They're about to show a sneak preview for the upcoming season, and they do a 5 second count down, and right as they're about to show the preview, a test for the emergency broadcast system comes on. At first I thought "this is a joke, it's part of the funny," but then I see my county and city, and being a cable channel, there's no affiliate networks to make custom joke emergency tests. Then I thought "ok something is really happening," but then a lady says "this has been a test of the emergency broadcast system. Had this been a real emergency, further information would have been given." Then as it ends, the guys that were hosting it were all "wow that was amazing, I can't wait for the next season." That really happened. I've never heard of it happening in real life. I'm laughing uncontrollably and for 30 seconds I start talking to the camera's that had to have been there. I went on for a solid 10 minutes.
Originally posted July 13th 2013

Did you know that someone actually complained about sony removing the new playstation camera from the PS4 and made it an optional accessory, saying that "while the kinect is very poorly received for gaming, it did do wonders with robotics when hacked and kinect 2.0 is quite a marvel of tracking capabilities, and now maybe gamers will miss out on multiplat features in some xbox one and ps4 games that utilize kinect." Lets break this down, very poorly received by gamers, so make it optional and lower the price since many gamers won't use it. Did wonders when hacked, well then people can just buy it if they want to hack it, it's an optional accessory. Amazing tracking capabilities, makes no difference if the games are stupid, which they will be. Miss out on features, like what? the ability to yell commands at your game or wave your arms like an idiot? spongebob rainbow nobody cares. If they manage to make it good, I doubt it, but lets assume for the moment that there is a game that utilizes the power of the kinect and move in a way that is fun and engaging, then gamers have the option to buy a move for the one game that utilizes it and isn't required to function instead of being forced to buy it for the console to work. But here's the thing, kinect being useful won't happen. Only tech demo games like just dance will use it. Unfortunately with the kinect being required, we might have another wii on our hands where developers feel compelled to tack on some form of motion controls or voice commands and it actually ends up hindering gameplay. Any wii fan feel compelled to try to tell me otherwise? And this isn't "there were good games for the wii." This is "the motion controls were an asset to the wii and many games utilized them in a way that made sense and immersed me in the game." I don't want someone telling me how great galaxy, monster hunter, metroid, DKCR, or brawl was and you could overlook the tacked on motion controls, I want someone to tell me why those games would have sucked without those "tacked on" motion controls.

Originally posted July 13th 2013

Stop the presses, I am actually having a rational discussion with someone on youtube about if requiring kinect is a good idea. There's no CAPSLOCK and no mention of a promiscuous mother or lack of sexual encounters. We're actually bringing vallid points to the table about if the kinect is a stupid gimmick and microsoft is wasting their time with it or if the mandatory adoption will lead to good games. I think my nail in the coffin was how the Wii required motion controls and only 2 first party games actually gave an in depth experience while fully utalizing the motion, trauma center and skyward sword. Everything else was just a tech demo like wii sports or had tacked on motion controls like DKCR. I'm interested to see what he has to say in response to that.

Originally posted July 11th 2013, not really xbox one specific, but "all digital" was definitely a thing of the pre-launch xbox one days.

I've been hearing a lot of people talking about how "digital distribution of games is the way of the future and the used game market as we know it will be a thing of the past." As a collector, I sure hope that isn't the case. 1: a picture of a full 1 tera hard drive is far less impressive than a wall of games. Another is that, of the 10 consoles I have, only 4 I bought new; the other 6 I bought used, mainly because they're old school and weren't supported anymore when I bought them, and now 2 of the new consoles are last gen and/or old school. So if I want to buy games for 8 of my consoles, and soon all 10, I need to buy used physical copies, because even if I could buy digital games on that console, I can't buy digital after the servers are off line, so all I can do is buy the digital. I could pay through the nose for a factory sealed copy of an old school game, but at that point, I'm just paying the reseller and none of the money is going to the publisher, so to save $200 on a game that's just for the collection, I buy it used. I've even ran into problems with wanting to get the full version of a demo I had on my xbox, mainly the teenage mutant ninja turtles arcade game remake, but it was off the marketplace when I finally had the microsoft points to buy it. It's an xbox arcade game so I can't get a physical copy anywhere, and it sucks because the demo is really fun. I'll make an in depth video on the subject explaining every aspect once I can get access to my nerd cave, but here's a little taste of my full feelings. Since many of you are gamers, what's your take on the matter?

Originally posted July 5th 2013

I know it's kind of died down since they released that xbox one won't be the always on DRM machine that we all hated, but lets look at another glaring problem, and that is the requirement for kinect. Lets get one thing strait, I am not a "they're going to watch us" conspiracy theorist like everyone else that hates this kinect requirement. Why this sucks, is because the kinect is garbage and I laugh every time I see someone with it. Sure, it can track motion much better than all the other motion controllers on the market, or so Microsoft asserts. But here's the problem, HOME MOTION CONTROLS SUCK AND ALMOST EVERY ATTEMPT TO MAKE IT WORK FAILS!!!! Kinect adventures, a couple of lame mini-games that show off what the kinect can do. All the Zumba games, it's just dancing, and while fun for a little while, gets old kind of quickly for me at least. Close to every wii game in existence, tacked on motion controles that add nothing to the game like in DKCR and Galaxy, or stupid mini-games that don't engage me, or racing games where steering controls are far to clunky to give good handling. 2 games are the exception in my experience, skyward sword with the 1:1 motion tracking with the weapons and trauma center with it's precision medical tools. "You can use voice commands to turn it on or go to things," or I could just turn it on with my controller and use my controller to select things. I hate kinect and all home motion controls since no one can consistently do them right and I'm so glad that Nintendo dropped that with the wii u. Microsoft, you still lost me as a customer, not because the sting of DRM always on left a huge scar, but because you still have the kinect knife lodged in my gaming hand. If I were to get an xbox one, I'd hack the kinect to mute the mic and have the kinect always stuck behind the console, and if that doesn't work, I'd hack the camera as well. Sell me a console without the kinect for $100 cheaper than with kinect and then we can talk. Again, I'm sorry Nintendo tricked you into thinking motion controls would catch on and everyone would get it, but get over it, admit they tricked you, and move on and get people back.

Originally posted July 4th 2013

I've heard someone complain that "without xbox one's DRM, I won't be able to play without having the game disk in the console." You want that, go back to PC and leave the good stuff to us console gamers. That or buy the digital copy, which is just about every game available. You want "no disk gaming," go to the DRM machine that is PC or get the digital. You want the ability to get it used, get the physical, that's why we have them.

Originally posted May 26th 2013

I've heard someone complain that "without xbox one's DRM, I won't be able to play without having the game disk in the console." You want that, go back to PC and leave the good stuff to us console gamers. That or buy the digital copy, which is just about every game available. You want "no disk gaming," go to the DRM machine that is PC or get the digital. You want the ability to get it used, get the physical, that's why we have them.

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