Saturday, February 2, 2019

If the 8th Generation were girlfriends (Google Plus Reupload 2013)

Originally posted August 8th 2013.

This was in response to this unboxing video made by XBOX.

Gamers, this is worth the read. And it also gives you a little idea into my thoughts of each company.

All I have to say is, how dare he call the kinect beautiful?
The kinect is pretty at best, like a 7/10 would still bang, sort of deal.
However, the kinect is super ugly on the inside. It's overly attached, puts meaning into every little thing you say, won't let you have any fun unless it's their, and watches you constantly, with the possibility of telling her parents every thing you do. I'm not to worried about her parents actually listening, but she still has everything else I just mentioned.
And worst of all, she isn't even the one you have a relationship with, it's her fraternal twin sister. And it's not like with the parents, kinect tells everything to XBOX and XBOX takes it all to heart.

Now XBOX was always an expensive girl. If you wanted to play with friends, she asked for shopping money. Then when she had a makeover, she wanted even more shopping money for the things she could do in addition to letting you play with friends. Now, in her 3rd make over, even more things that she boasts about costs shopping money. She was a fun bad girl that you had fun fighting aliens with back in high school, but nothing to build a relationship off of.

Now on the other hand, we have play station and Nintendo. We've known Nintendo the longest, and even though she went through many different phases, she's still a lovely girl. She's mostly over her fitness kick and realizes that not everyone likes jumping around and swinging their arms like crazy. Though she's might still hold many of the fitness tendencies, she decided to lay off bugging you and forcing you to do all sorts of crazy work outs in order to have a little fun. A nice girl, and some people are in a nice relationship, but others have friend zoned her saying "it was fun, but I want more, but I'll still hang with you when I'm with your fitness friends."

Now last we have the new girl next door, the playstation. Nintendo initially introduced you to her, but she started competing for your affections, and not to far after, they were bitter rivals. Nintendo always offered you a good time, but playstation could do many of the same things. After a make over montage and the adaption of a 2, she became super sexy while keeping all the things you loved about her before. She became a little demanding after her second make over, asking you to spend $600 for her beauty shop bill, but soon she found a cheaper shop and offered so many other features.

OK, enough console fan fiction for tonight.

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