Saturday, February 2, 2019

My Reaction when Kinect was No Longer Mandatory (Reupload from Google Plus 2013)

(Originally posted August 12th 2013)

Look who might have my business now. The kinect was the only thing keeping me from getting an XBOX ONE. I would have looked into the modding community to see how I could manually remove the parts so that it wouldn't work but would trick the XBOX into thinking it was working. Now if I do end up getting an XBOX ONE and they don't make a bundle that doesn't have it, I can just throw the thing into my controller milk crate. Here's the article if you want to read the source. 

Oh man, you have to read the comments. So many people are saying "but that was the only thing differentiating it from the PS4." Yes, that giant turd on the lawn was the only thing differentiating it from the PS4, but who in their right mind would be proud of a giant turd on their lawn. I would never use it, even for IR blasting and skype. I hate motion controls, like REALLY HATE THEM. I passed on a $50 Wii at a garage sale because I just don't believe in them and hate them with a passion, and as such would never play the kinect games. And as the guy in the video says, "if it's no longer required to make it run, why would you still require me to buy it?" Also the thing with the whole "the more I used it the more I loved it" thing, yeah no. I played many games that used motion controls, and only twice were they good and I thought "I would play this on a regular basis because the motion controls add to the experience." Skyward Sword and Trauma Center. Just get rid of the thing.


And for an update, I have an XBOX ONE S. They ended up winning me over. And then they completely discontinued the Kinect.

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